Applying and Filing for a Trademark

Trademark application fees in IRAN

Filing step:
You will have to pay a filing one trademark fee of $499 for one class of goods or services your trade mark is in. It will cost an additional $100 for each extra class.
Registration step:
After the review by Iran’s intellectual property office (IPO) and acceptance of the application, we will enter the stage of final registration of the trademark. You will have to pay a registration one trademark fee of $200 for one class of goods or services your trademark is in with the number of 20 goods or services. It will cost an additional $50 for each extra 20 goods or services. It will cost an additional $100 for each extra class.


Required Documents & information:

1- Notarized & Legalized POA with official Persian translation. (Translation is done in Iran)
2- Certified Copy of Company registration certificate with official Persian translation if the applicant is a company.
3- A certified copy of the business license and a certified copy of the passport if the applicant is a natural person

Goods and Services with the related Serial Number must be provided approved by the WIPO list.
